Five Wishes Certification for Teams

Support and empower multiple staff members

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Five Wishes Certified Facilitator

Five Wishes Certified Facilitator

Ensure high-quality advance care planning conversations

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Five Wishes Certification FAQs

Five Wishes Certification FAQs

Answers to your Questions about Certification

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Meet a higher standard with your advance care planning work

Five Wishes Certification is a competency-based program for those who want to achieve excellence in their advance care planning work. Five Wishes Certification recognizes your commitment to completing specialized training in advance care planning, and your demonstration of specific knowledge and skills.


skills and enhance your knowledge


your confidence

Add credibility

to your expertise

Five Wishes Certification is meaningful, credible, and accessible.

Advance Care Planning Facilitator

Five Wishes Certified Facilitator Program

Complete Package (Courses & Certification): $400
Certification Fees Only (must provide required course completion certificates): $235

The Five Wishes Certified Facilitator Program is for healthcare clinicians and professionals whose work involves facilitating advance care planning conversations with patients, residents, members, or clients at any stage of health who are served in a healthcare context. The program is designed to enhance your knowledge, ability, and skill in facilitating compassionate, meaningful, and effective conversations.

  • Comprehensive training through three Five Wishes Advance Care Planning Facilitator training courses
  • Continuing education credit of 3.0 hours for nurses and social workers
  • Mentoring - Consistent, regular support from expert mentors through quarterly Web meetings for our community of Five Wishes Certified Facilitators
  • Access to Webinars featuring in-depth topic exploration and best practice examples and peers
  • Exclusive access to tools for Five Wishes Facilitators
  • Exclusive access to patient education resources
  • Frameable personalized Certificate
  • 5% discount on Five Wishes Products
  1. Successfully complete three Five Wishes online training courses available through Hospice Foundation of America and pass final exams with a score of 80%
    • Five Wishes Advance Care Planning Facilitator Foundations
    • Five Wishes Advance Care Planning Facilitator Communication Skills
    • Five Wishes Advance Care Planning for Serious Illness
  2. Demonstrate specific facilitation skills and knowledge competencies via online interview and evaluation sessions

Five Wishes Certifications for Teams

Five Wishes Certifications for Teams

A team approach can help your organization reach important advance care planning program goals and outcomes through consistent training and support. Empower your staff by investing in Five Wishes Certifications.

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Yes. All of the courses are available outside of the Certification program. You can take one, some, or all of them. Visit our Five Wishes Online Training page to access the courses.

The Certification programs include access to the required Five Wishes Online Training courses and continuing education hours, plus competency demonstrations and interviews, three full years of ongoing support and mentoring to enhance your practice and maintain your skills, exclusive access to helpful tools and resources only for Five Wishes Certified individuals, a 5% discount on Five Wishes products, and much more. You can learn more about what Five Wishes Certifications require and include under the “requirements” and “benefits” tabs on each Five Wishes Certification program description above.

At this time, we do not offer scholarships for Five Wishes Certifications. We understand the financial challenges of purchasing high-quality professional training and mentoring, and have priced both our courses and Certification fees to be as accessible as possible while allowing us to provide meaningful tools, solid ongoing support, and the necessary infrastructure. If you have an employer, we are available to help you make a case to your organization to support your training.

  1. Successfully complete three Five Wishes online training courses available through Hospice Foundation of America and pass final exams with a score of 80%
    • Five Wishes Advance Care Planning Facilitator Foundations
    • Five Wishes Advance Care Planning Facilitator Communication Skills
    • Five Wishes Advance Care Planning for Serious Illness
  2. Demonstrate specific facilitation skills and knowledge competencies via online interview and evaluation sessions

When you purchase your Certification program, you will receive links to each required course and access instructions. We will guide you through completing your training requirements.

All required courses are approved for continuing education through the following boards:
  • National Association of Social Work Boards (NASW). This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers. Accepted/recognized in all states except NJ, NY, & WV. Program and online CE process must be completed prior to expiration for NASW CE hours to be awarded.
  • Montana Nurses Association (an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation). Most states recognize ANCC Accreditation (N08) but please verify with your individual state board.
  • Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling
  • California Board of Registered Nursing
  • Florida Board of Nursing
  • Certificate of Attendance is available, which you can submit to boards not included on this list.

Five Wishes Certifications mean that you have successfully completed the required training courses, and have successfully demonstrated through personal interviews the required skills and knowledge competencies. Five Wishes Certifications are not credentialed or recognized by an accrediting organization.

A quick guide for facilitating conversations, a handy outline of assessment and exploration tasks for facilitators, a tip sheet on exploring values and experiences, tip sheets for making the case and building a strong advance care planning at your organization, a guide to doing your own advance care planning, two patient awareness posters, and three patient education handouts. New tools and materials will be added on a regular basis.